Wow. I've always heard that Vix Settlement is manipulated, but this is quite eye opening. The other thing I know is that the trading desk of the NY Fed uses Vix to tamp down market volatility during exceptionally stressful times via the relationship between the US Dollar / Currency swaps and Vix. Powell once even alluded to the NY Fed Trading Desk "closing Vix positions" to wind down market support after a big down move in a speech once - I can never find any record of it written, but I heard it with my own ears when he said it. I want to say it was in 2018. It's hard to expect the Fed or anyone else to care about manipulation in the index when they do it too....

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Manipulated intentionally or not, the problem originates from the inclusion of OTM, often illiquid options in the calc of VIX. This paper https://www.bis.org/publ/bisbull95.pdf also pointed out that since quotations for the OTM options are used, in a down move, the increase in VIX can be exacerbated.

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Yeah, that makes sense. Scott Nations has indexes that fix a lot of that problem - I personally like to use the TDEX (Tail Hedge Index) as my panic indicator.

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